Sunday, December 14, 2008

Annnnd We're Back!

Look at that! Successful server move courtesy of those wild and crazy guys at Nightgig! What a job, too. Not a single file out of place! Scott had me back everything up (which is a good idea to do ANYWAYS), but it wasn't even needed because he knows what he's doing!

So, instead of playing around with the html code for the index page every day when I update, I decided to do this RSS widget thing instead. It's certainly MUCH easier. I can just update the blog and it shows up in the feed...widget...thing. Yeah, I'm good with technology.

Anyways, this was really just a test post to make sure everything was working properly. There'll be a proper post tomorrow with the update!


Long Time, No Post

Well, for the few of you that can find this thing without the website:

Nightgig's doing a server move this weekend. That's why the website's all wonky and missing pages and reverting back to Dec 1st.

Hopefully, this won't effect Monday morning's update!


Thursday, October 2, 2008

Holy CRAP! A newspost?!

Yeah, I don't do many of these, do I? I suppose I should, or something.

As you can see, the main story of The Path is taking a bit of a break to bring a side-story/prequel story in order to buy myself some time on reworking some of the next few issues. SHAMELESS STALLING PLOY, HOOOOOOOO!

The current story, "The Cutty Black Sow", is the first Chance McGavin story I ever wrote, and is loosely based on both the Irish folk tale and the episode of "Tales From the Darkside" by the same name.

Following Cutty Black Sow will be a another short one in honor of Halloween entitled "Old Horn Head" and will play up Cernunnos' Lord of the Hunt aspect. Something that is, sometimes, associated with Halloween (or Samhain, rather).

Then we'll be back to the regular story.

Also, plan on being at Wizard World Texas in November? Well, then you should come check out me and my Mediocre Militia cohorts in the Artists' Alley!

And that's that for now.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Antisocial: Date Night/Hellboy 2

For those of you that don't know (because I don't ever really talk about my personal life), I have the coolest girlfriend ever.

Also, Hellboy 2 was fucking AWESOME. Go see it. Or you're a Commie-Nazi and I hate you IN THE FACE.

That is all.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Path gets a facelift

So, in preparation of Diamond-ness, I've been going back to old pages of The Path and gussying them up a bit. Adding the crosshatching I've been using lately, and in some cases, replacing panels that I didn't like. Then, it hit me:

I don't really like ANY of my old pages. Like, at ALL.

If I'm not too fond of them, I could only imagine what people in shops nation-wide would think. Don't get me wrong, The Path's selling well...but I've grown into the style I set out to do it in. The pages from issues 4 and 5 are way better than the pages in issues 1-3.

So I started redrawing them. ALL of them. Below is a "Before and after" example of what I've been doing. This is also giving me the chance to tweak some issues I've come across in the story now that I have the advantage of hindsight. I think that you'll agree that the new version is going to kick all kinds of ass. ALL. KINDS. OF. ASS. Yes, even THAT kind.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Antisocial: Cat Toss

So, while I was at A-kon, my roommates bought a kitten. I'm not the biggest fan of cats, but the little fucker is cute. My favorite game to play with the kitten is throwing it across the room at the couch, and she sticks to it like a little, squeaking velcro ball, then comes running back over. Well, my roommate Heidi walked in on my game and, well...


Sunday, June 8, 2008

Art Stuffs

A redraw of a commission I did at A-kon. I really liked it, and was sad to part with it. So I redid it:

The sign I had up at the booth during A-Kon, which will now come to every convention:

Finally, drawing for Hawk and today's filler at The Path:
