Friday, April 11, 2008

Drunk Duck Adventures: The Mighty Drunk Duckers

So this is a project that was born out of the ashes of Drunk Duck Civil War. Because, let's be serious. It's been over a year. We've barely finished two issues of DDCW. Zac is non-exsitent, and I really can't keep the project afloat on my own. It's too big, and has too many aspects to manage.

Drunk Duck Adventures is a stream-lined version of DDCW, focusing on a handful of the main characters and ignoring, basically, the events of DDCW. Think of it like the Marvel Adventures line. In fact, I'm really toying with the idea of ducking out of DD altogether with this one and just publish it here on ODK. Even drop the "Drunk Duck Adventures" title and rename the team. DD just sort of seems like it's slowly being choked to death by Platinum.

Pages go live after New York Comic Con.


Wingnut said...

Riot! This site is awesome! And antisocial is hilarious! And...and...uh...

Let's ELOPE!


Kevin Hayman said...


Anything to stick it to DD right now I feel sometimes.

Anyhoo, I need to call you and update you on the world of Kev.

James Riot said...

Kevin: Yes, you DO.
Wing: Ok, but you're wearing the dress this time.

Wingnut said...

Aww man, there's no way my candy ass will still fit into that thing.